Posted by: abreathaway | November 16, 2007

TV or not TV…

…that is the question.

There is so much crap on television now. Hell, even the news is crap. It used to be that you could trust the news programs to tell the truth, unbiased. It certainly isn’t that way now. I’m not saying that all broadcasters are lying and skewing the news to suit their own personal opinions. Not all of them are. But the most watched ones sure are. This goes for Fox, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, etc.

They’re either right wingers or left. Conservative or Liberal. Republican or Democrat. What happened to keeping your opinions out of your broadcast, and just reporting the unvarnished truth? They’ve become so tabloid-y, that they are almost as bad as The Enquirer, or worse, People. Don’t even get me started on these supposed “talk” shows.

So, the question comes back to: should I just turn off my TV, get rid of it, and relax? Couldn’t I just get my news from the paper, or better yet, from the internet, so that I don’t have to pay for the destruction of more trees and keep my hands clean? Of course, if I got rid of my TV, there’s still the big screen in the living room that dad watches all day, so I could still watch Nip/Tuck! 😉

Mmmmm… Julian McMahon’s naked butt…

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